In God We Trust

Where is the US Congress?


By Debra Beatty

Where is the US Congress? While BH Obama is speeding unhindered down the highway of unwanted transformation the US Congress is doing little else except  collecting their salary. One must question if the Congressional members are aware of the rapid changes taking place in America. Occasionally a member of Congress will open their oral cavity and blame the other political party. If the representatives warming chairs in Congress are aware of all of the new rules called laws by Obama one must question if they are complicit? If the members of the US Congress are not complicit why aren’t they raising their voices in verbal rage? Why aren’t the members of the US Congress introducing legislation that stops BH Obama from completely transforming the USA into an European style nation?

I question how smoothly Obama ignores the governing documents of America. I question the open borders of America. While the US military was enforcing secure borders in Afghanistan the borders of the US where thrown open to any and to all persons wanting to walk across the once sacred line that formerly protected the sovereign nation of the United States of America. US Border Patrol have been neutered by BH Obama via Eric Holder. The infiltration of persons can only be termed an invasion of the United States of American by un-known foreigners. The United States of America has become a parking lot for persons wanting to be supported and physically kept regardless of their contribution and/or their place of origin. Furthermore they are rewarded for their criminal act of entering America illegally. They are placed on public welfare, given money to live and given free health care. Their children are given a free education at the expense of the American children. These people, without the benefit of being an US citizens have drivers license to drive on the US highways and they vote in elections. Voting is a privilege of citizenship. Where is the US Congress?

Amazement shrouds America as the man in the White House tells one untruth, followed by another untruth followed by another statement that will not hold up. All politicians have been accused of telling stories that are not true. However, when it is his style and the norm for this person to habitually lie I question his ability to lead the USA. I question his motivates for telling repeated untruths. I also question why Americans so willingly accept the googleplex of falsehoods and dismiss them with, “All politicians lie.“ No not all politicians make a habit of being an habitual liar. This is unacceptable behavior. Again where is the US Congress?

Foreign Relations under the BH Obama regime has suffered. The United States of America has developed political anemia in the eyes of the world and is on life support of stability. The inability of BH Obama to honor and protect America’s allies is unacceptable. America can no longer be trusted. BH Obama took an Oath of Office that he would uphold and honor the US Constitution. Why hasn’t the US Congress taken BH Obama aside and whispered advise into his ears. I question the US Congress because in the USA our form of government has three distinct branches of government. This form of government insures a strong national government, protects individual freedoms and prevents government from abusing it‘s power. No one branch has more power than the other two. That is what we call the checks and balances of our government. BH Obama by the laws of the USA cannot dictate to the US Congress and he cannot dictate to the citizens of America. This is important to remember. More important, does the US Congress understand the philosophy of Checks and Balances and do they know what our laws are?