Vote Like You Constitution Depends on It... Because it Does
By Kurt Schlichter
You need to vote Tuesday, and you need to work to
get your friends, neighbors and family to vote too.
How should you vote? Straight-up Republican down the
Is the GOP establishment packed with hacks, squishes
and weasels? Yep. And that’s irrelevant. The party
will fall in line with conservative values soon
enough as these doddering clowns age their way out
of office. We have one opponent – the progressives –
and the progressives have one party – the Democrats.
They must be stopped before they destroy this
country. They are shredding our Constitution,
bankrupting us, and turning the might of the federal
government against their political enemies (that’s
us) in order to hold on to power. Overseas, they are
abandoning our loyal allies – if you think Obama
would do what Nixon did for Israel and airlift it
lifesaving military supplies when the Arabs forces
nearly overwhelmed it in 1973, then I have a unicorn
you might want to buy.
His name is Chet, and he liked his health plan and
got to keep it.
The sad fact is that the only people these
progressives don’t seem to want to defeat are
America’s enemies. If you want to live on the edge,
befriend America with a Democrat in the White House
and Harry Reid running the Senate.
“But, but,” stammer those self-described
conservatives who make liberals smile by choosing to
indulge their emotions instead of coldly acting to
beat the statists, “I’m staying home because I’m
sick of having to choose the lesser of two evils!”
You tools. That’ll show Obama. He’ll be heartbroken
as he nominates some commie law school professor to
the Supreme Court and Reid nuke options him into a
robe for the next 30 years. You can pat yourself on
the back about choosing to let the greater of two
evils win as you lose your right to speak freely, to
write what you want, to read what you want, to
worship God like you want, to own weapons to protect
your family, community and Constitution. Yeah, way
to go, Thinky.
When it’s between a Republican and a Democrat, it’s
not choosing the lesser of two evils. At worst, it’s
choosing the mediocrity over the evil.
Thad Cochran’s a jerk and the establishment creeps
were jerks for supporting him. Vote for Thad.
Pat Roberts is a jerk and the establishment creeps
were jerks for supporting him. Vote for Pat.
And the conservatives who lost to them in the
primaries – if you haven’t done it already, get out
there and demand your ticked-off supporters vote for
the jerk who screwed you. It isn’t about your hurt
feelings. It’s about our country.
Don’t worry – we conservatives shall have our
revenge soon enough. And, as any Star Trek nerd can
tell you,
revenge is a dish best served cold.
Then there are the stubborn “libertarians.” I’m not
talking about the sensible ones who realize that
voting for some dude whose entire platform consists
of bong hits and appeasement will only act to
empower the most collectivist president and Senate
in our history. Nor am I talking about the stoner
libertarians who will fire up a bowl Tuesday morning
and come out of their purple haze on Thursday having
forgotten to vote.
I’m talking about the tiresome “libertarians” who
relish these last few days of every election cycle
because – for once – people pay attention to them,
hoping to get them to fight the left. But these
goofs aren’t about to give up the attention lavished
upon them by conservatives praying they are more
libertarian than narcissist and might actually be
convinced to vote consistent to what they claim as
their ideology – or at least not against it. It’s
too much fun being wooed and courted and having
people pretend to read their lengthy blog posts
about how fighting people who want to kill us is bad
and how Ayn Rand was hot and how the Fed is
responsible for them not being able to get a date.
But reasoning with them never works. These people
are useless. So pucker up, dorks, because I have
something you can kiss – and once again you’ll be
disappointed because it isn’t a girl.
I’m done with you idiots. I’m not wasting my breath
on you again and I’m certainly not giving you the
attention you crave. All I can say is stay in your
mom’s basement Tuesday – the Trilateral Commission
is out there with its chemtrails and mind control
lasers waiting to ambush you on the way to the
Now, those of us who are sane and who actually care
about our country have a mission. We need to bring
it home for the GOP – not because its candidates are
perfect but because its candidates are not actively
evil. Yeah, I suppose there are some nice Democrat
candidates out there. Some of them can maybe muster
up a few positive comments about free enterprise and
free speech, at least in theory. A few probably even
like dogs better than cats, like real Americans.
But they have thrown in their lot with a crowd that
seeks to destroy our sacred Constitution. The
Democrats voted en masse to effectively repeal the
First Amendment. Think about that – these people
literally think it’s A-OK to outlaw books. They want
to stop you from practicing your religion except in
the manner and to the extent they choose. They want
you disarmed and helpless. Oh, and if you happen to
care whether Israel gets wiped off the map or not,
perhaps you ought to put the party in power that
didn’t boo the mention of the Jewish State at its
last convention.
If everyone reading this gets five voters to vote
for America, maybe we can save America. The polls
are that tight. We have to overcome a lot to retake
the Senate and put the brakes on America’s runaway
decline. We need every vote. We have to beat
Democrats’ margin of stupidity. We have to beat
Democrats margin of fraud. We can’t afford to also
have to overcome the angry conservatives’ margin of