In God We Trust

The Incredible Shrinking President

A Humiliating Debacle For America


By J. D. Longstreet

In the meantime, a President the press is already trying to paint as the target of all sorts of humiliation, did not retire to the Oval Office to contemplate his next move to gain congressional approval for an attack on Syria. No.  He sped off to the golf course at Ft. Belvoir.  See, he is sure he WON'T get Congressional approval and with this move he can extract himself from the corner he painted himself into months ago with his over active mouth pronouncing "red line" markers.

It is extremely difficult for those of us on the right side of the political spectrum to believe that a president could deliberately make such wrong-headed decisions.  It is hard to wrap our minds around the possibility that a man could deliberately do what Obama has done to America.  And yet, there it is. He has taken America from the pinnacle to the gutter in four and a half years -- and played golf or was on vacation for a good portion of the time. 

Can there be any doubt, any doubt at all, that under Obama's leadership America is headed down the same route as the city of Detroit?  When a nation's leader treats the nation as a banana republic, that nation will become a banana republic.  

I am shamed by the actions of my President today.  Shamed and humiliated.  I am also angry.  I'm angry that the electorate saw fit to give the man another four years to destroy the work it has taken some 238 years to build.  

Up to this past weekend, Americans had decades of work ahead of us repairing the damage Obama had already done.  After his cowardly actions of backing down from Assad and Putin, it will take at least a century to claw our way back. -- if we ever can.