In God We Trust

The Darkest Deed of the Deep State 


By Lee Cary

During a recent Senate hearing posted on YouTube, Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) recommended a book entitled JFK And The Unspeakable: Why He Died & Why It Matters, by James W. Douglass © 2008. The book’s Preface and Introduction consume 31 pages. The complex, detailed narrative is told in 510 pages including 2,041 Footnotes, and an extensive Index.

Here is the core thesis of the book: The assassination of JFK was organized and choreographed by persons within the Central Intelligence Agency with complicit knowledge and assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Lee Harvey Oswald was what he claimed to be: a Patsy.

The motive for the killing was to assure that the United States would fully commit to fighting for South Vietnam in its war with North Vietnam.
JFK was against a commitment to fight. But many senior officials in his administration wanted war. And they got it; over his dead body and the 58,318 U.S. military personnel named on the Vietnam War Memorial Wall--including one whose empty bunk I inherited in the Mekong Delta.
As we approach the 60th Anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination, it’s time we face-up to what it was about, and who did it.

• 22 December 1963, The Washington Post. Page A11,
By Harry S. Truman, “Limit CIA Role To Intelligence”,
(Printed one month after the Kennedy assassination)

“INDEPENDENCE, M0., Dec. 21 – I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency – CIA. At least, I would like to submit here the original reason why I thought it necessary to organize this Agency during my Administration, what I expected it to do and how it was to operate as an arm of the President…[I] decided to set up a special organization charged with the collection of all intelligence reports from every available source, and to have those reports reach me as President without department ‘treatment’ or interpretations... For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas. I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations…There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.”

- 1975-1976, U.S. Senator Richard S. Schweiker, (R. Penn.), d.2015 (Source)

“We do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there are fingerprints of intelligence." The Village Voice, 1975

“In 1976 he told CBS News (Schweiker) that the CIA and FBI lied to the Warren Commission and that the case could be solved if they followed hot new leads. He also claimed that the White House was part of the cover up.”

“In a BBC documentary, The Killing of President Kennedy, he made the following blistering statement about the Warren Commission investigation: ‘The Warren Commission has in fact collapsed like a house of cards and I believe it was set up at the time to feed pabulum to the American people for reasons not yet known, and one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of our country occurred at that time.’”

January 2017, Senator Chuck Schumer (Source):

“Chuck Schumer thinks Donald Trump is ‘really dumb’ for doubting the intelligence community’s conclusions about the alleged Russian cyberattacks. The House Minority Leader said Trump shouldn’t pick fights with the CIA and FBI because they have lots of ways to get back at the president-elect. ‘Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,’ Schumer told Rachel Maddow (see video starting at 0:28). “For a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.’” [Assassination is but one of six ways.]

Excerpts from JFK And The Unspeakable, 2008 pertaining to motive behind November 22, 1963

1. “John Kennedy was killed by people who knew their national security state in and out and could direct it according to their will.” p. 178.

2. “Even within his own FBI domain, the notoriously autocratic J. Edgar Hoover gave way to a greater authority when it came to the forward progress of the plot to kill the president, as well as its cover-up afterwards.” p. 179.

3. “[On] October 11,…he (JFK) signed his presidential order for an initial withdrawal of one thousand U.S. troops from Vietnam by the end of the year, anticipating in that same order a complete troop withdrawal by the end of 1965.” p. 180.

4. “That 1963 withdrawal, together with Kennedy’s plan ‘to withdraw the bulk of U.S. personnel by the end of 1965,’ became official government policy on October 11, 1963, in the president’s National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) Number 263.” p. 187.

5. “On September 2, he had been interviewed by television anchorman Walter Cronkite, who said, ‘Mr. President, the only hot war we’ve got running at the moment is of course the one in Vietnam, and we have our difficulties there quite obviously.’ The first part of Kennedy’s reply was consistent with his Vietnam policy from the beginning. He said, ‘I don’t think that unless a greater effort is made by the government (S. Vietnamese) to win popular support that the war can be won out there. In the final analysis, it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it.’” p. 189.

6. “The Warren Commission’s impossible task, ‘for the sale of national security’ (meaning the protection of U.S. intelligence agencies from national disgrace and their leaders from criminal indictments) was to make a convincing, heavily documented case for a lone-assassin conclusion.” p. 232.

7. “At 12:28 P.M. on Friday, November 22, 1963, Doctor Charles Crenshaw burst into Trauma Room One of Parkland Hospital where a mortally wounded President Kennedy had just been brought in on a gurney. Dr. Crenshaw, a resident surgeon, had been alerted by phone that the president had been shot and was on his way to Parkland…While Crenshaw assisted the other doctors, he stood by the president’s waist. It was then that he ‘noticed a small opening in the midline of his throat.

It was small, about the size of the tip of my little finger. It was a bullet entry wound. There was no doubt in my mind,’ he said, ‘about that wound, as I had seen dozens of them in the emergency room.’…When the doctors had exhausted their ways to save the president’s life, Crenshaw walked behind John Kennedy’s head. He was shocked by what he saw. The right rear of Kennedy’s brain was gone.” p. 307.

{In early 1971, a senior U.S. Army medic asked a young soldier to go with him to see the bodies of four South Vietnamese soldiers who had been ambushed on a canal. They were laid out in a row for the local families to claim. The medic pointed to one body and said, “You see that small hole in the front of his head and the large one at the back? It’s the classic head wound. Small hole going in--big hole coming out.” When Jacquelin Kennedy climbed out on the trunk of the limousine, she was retrieving a part of her husband’s skull caused by a shot that entered his head from the front.}

Lastly this:

8. “[T]he plan to kill Kennedy and cover up the conspiracy went to the top ranks of our national security state, harnessing to its treasonous purpose not only the CIA but ultimately Hoover and the FBI as well, who were crucial to the cover-up. To appeal to the FBI against the CIA was only to crawl more deeply into the spider’s web.” p. 334.

The author of JFK And The Unspeakable asks this question: “Can we transform our lives, and the state of the United States of America, so as to practice the truth that waging peace is our only real security?”

So far, truth doesn’t seem likely. As the spider web remains in place.

Lee Cary -- Bio and ArchivesSince November 2007, Lee Cary has written hundreds of articles for several websites including the American Thinker, and Breitbart’s Big Journalism and Big Government (as “Archy Cary”). and the Canada Free Press. Cary’s work was quoted on national television (Sean Hannity) and on nationally syndicated radio (Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin). His articles have posted on the aggregate sites Drudge Report, Whatfinger, Lucianne, Free Republic, and Real Clear Politics. He holds a Doctorate in Theology from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL, is a veteran of the US Army Military Intelligence in Vietnam assigned to the [strong]Phoenix Program[/strong]. He lives in Texas.