The Burglar-Terrorist Alliance
By Daniel Greenfield
(The following is an adaptation of a talk that
I recently gave.)
Every act of violence has two sides. The side of
those who carry it and the side of those who let it
happen. When a burglar breaks into a home and kills
two people, we don't just discuss what made him do
it, but why it was allowed to happen.
That's a conversation we rarely have about
terrorism. The left wants us to talk about terrorism
as a reaction to something that we as a society or a
nation did. It doesn't want to talk about how it
smoothes the way for terrorists to do what they do.
The left has a long history of being soft on crime
and empowering criminals because it rejects the idea
that society is good and criminals are bad. Instead
it flips the equation around. Criminals are good
because society is bad.
The man with a house full of stuff is bad for
keeping it from the burglar who just wants to have
some of the good life.
Now America is bad. It's bad for wanting to have the
good life. It's bad for wanting to protect its own
people. It's privileged. And to the left, privileged
is the dirtiest word it can think of. The left will
put on NEA sponsored plays full of every possible
obscenity, but privilege is what it considers a
really dirty word.
The left doesn't accept the basic parameters of our
society. It doesn't accept that if you buy a house,
it's yours. It doesn't accept that if you work 100
hours for 10 dollars an hour that you're entitled to
a thousand dollars. It doesn't believe that you
built anything.
And so it doesn't accept the idea that stealing or
killing is wrong.
The left doesn't accept that the United States has a
right to safe and secure borders. It doesn't accept
that when it comes to immigration policy or to
The left doesn't accept that the United States has a
right to exist.
This is where the left finds common ground with
Islamic terrorists. Islamic terrorists and the left
both agree that the United States is an immoral
society. They agree that the United States must be
fundamentally transformed.
They just disagree on what it needs to be
transformed into.
The left does not believe that violence is an
illegitimate means of political change. If it did,
you wouldn't see those Che shirts and the Haymarket
bombers wouldn't have their own memorial in Chicago.
The left believes that there are two kinds of
political violence; legitimate and illegitimate.
The difference between the two isn't about soldiers
and civilians or about the scale. The Soviet Union
killed huge amounts of innocent people. Bill Ayers
was thinking in terms of killing millions.
It's about the ideology.
The left divides political violence into the
illegitimate violence of the oppressors and the
legitimate violence of the oppressed.
The violence of the oppressors is the violence of
people who have homes that they want to keep. The
violence of the oppressed is the violence of the
The left will ruthlessly suppress what it calls the
violence of the oppressors, but it will make excuses
for and even collaborate in the violence of the
When it comes to the violence of the oppressors, the
left will say that we need to use every possible
means to stamp it out and destroy the mindset that
makes it possible. We need to open reeducation
camps, drag people out of their homes in the middle
of the night and lock them up for believing the
wrong thing.
But when it comes to the violence of the oppressed,
the left will make excuses. It will say this young
fellow had a bad life. He had some setbacks. He
couldn't succeed as a boxer. He picked up some PTSD
at his job. He was angry at American foreign policy.
He was one of the oppressed. And the left lies about
and makes excuses for the oppressed.
To the left, Islamic terrorism is the violence of
the oppressed. It's not the evil violence of the
homeowner shooting a burglar, but the moral violence
of the burglar who just wants to redistribute some
Even moderate liberals don't want to deal with the
reality of Muslim violence because it ruins their
multicultural paradise. Muslim violence is the snake
in their multicultural garden of eden. If they admit
that Muslim immigration is endangering the country,
then they have to rethink immigration. If they admit
that there is something wrong with at least some
forms of Islam, then they have to question their
belief that all cultures are good... except Western
And so the left picks up the encyclopedia of
Muslim violence and puts it on a very familiar
shelf. It's the same shelf that they began putting
crime on in the 60s and 70s.
Don't fight crime. Fight the root causes of crime.
Fight poverty. Fight neglect. Fight inequality.
Spend billions to fight poverty in the Muslim world.
Fight Islamophobia in America. Do all the other soft
on crime stuff that nearly destroyed most American
And most of all... deny that there is a problem.
Liberals or leftists don't see Islam for what it is.
They see it for what they want it to be.
They see it as the burglar trying to break into
Uncle Sam's house. They don't want to talk about how
to stop the burglar. They want to talk about how to
make the burglar feel better about himself.
And so they tell NASA that its prime directive is to
make burglars feel better about themselves.
And the thing that makes burglars feel bad is to be
associated with crime. Instead the word goes out to
emphasize that only a very tiny minority of burglar
extremists is associated with breaking into houses.
The rest just practice some form of moderate
breaking and entering.
We have to recognize that all the breaking and
entering comes from legitimate grievances, not
criminal intent. Deal with the grievances and there
will be no more burglaries so long as we don't make
the burglars feel like criminals.
If we don't believe they're burglars, they won't be
burglars, the ostrich says.
If we don't recognize terrorism, then terrorism
won't recognize us, the left says.
The left operates on this strange kind of Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle. It believes that if we don't
recognize that Islamic terrorism exists, then
Muslims will stop being terrorists.
If we stop calling Islamic terrorism, Islamic, then
Muslims will stop seeing Al Qaeda as Islamic. This
is the actual argument that gets made by liberal
experts on terrorism over and over again.
If we stick our heads in the sand, the Muslim world
will do it too.
That doesn't work. The Muslim world will not put on
a blindfold just because we put one on. Instead the
blindfold makes it impossible for us to recognize
Islam as the connecting principle of the War on
What links a Major Nidal Hasan to a Tamerlan
Tsarnaev to the next guy plotting a terrorist
attack? If you take Islam out of the equation then
there is no link. There is no motive. Just random
acts of workplace violence by failed boxers and army
doctors. Terrorism denial takes motive out of the
equation. There is no longer a motive. Just
senseless violence. And without motive, you can't
profile or predict. Without motive, narrowing down
suspects becomes very difficult.
If the Boston bombers hadn't struck at a public
event in an age where everyone totes their own
smartphones, how much time would law enforcement
have spent chasing the Tea Party tax protesters that
the establishment wanted them to find?v Would the
terrorists have been able to buy enough time to make
it to New York City and carry out the next phase of
their plan while law enforcement was knocking on the
doors of people who are angry about paying too many
taxes to subsidize the likes of Tamerlan Tsarnaev?
Why was Tamerlan Tsarnaev given a pass despite his
history of violence and interest in Jihad?
Because there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism.
Just anger over foreign policy. As a Chechen, it was
assumed that Tamerlan was angry about Russian
foreign policy. And this isn't Russia. So there was
no problem.
Islam was the missing link. Without Islam, there was
no reason for Tamerlan Tsarnaev to carry out an
attack in Boston rather than Moscow. With Islam
there was every reason for him to fight on the front
that he was most familiar with.
There is a reason the burglar got in the house,
killed 4 people and wounded many more. It's because
we refused to recognize what motivates him.
A Chechen Muslim Jihadist, like a Mali Muslim
Jihadist and a Syrian Muslim Jihadist and a Taliban
Jihadist fights locally, but thinks globally.
We didn't deal with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in time
because we thought it was a local problem. What do
the Taliban have to do with New York or Washington?
What does Chechnya have to do with Boston?
There is no such thing as purely local Islamic
terrorism. Islam is transnational.
An Islamic terrorist anywhere is a potential threat
everywhere. Bring him to America, let him into the
country and he is a threat right here, the same way
that a Communist was a threat to any country he
ended up in.
Understanding that is the key to fighting Islamic
terrorism. But the media and the political
establishment insist that we go deeper into denial
after every terrorist attack. Stick our heads deeper
in the sand and maybe whatever is trying to eat us
will stop being angry and go away.
Terrorism denial is the biggest threat to America.
The terrorists alone can't destroy us. Not even if
they detonate a weapon of mass destruction on
American soil. But pretending that they don't exist,
can give them the time to get big enough.
It takes two parties to break into a home. The
burglar and a society that accepts crime as normal
or misunderstood.
When it comes to terrorism, most Western countries
have taken the attitude that terrorists are
misunderstood. And that's true. Terrorists are
misunderstood and they are the ones who refuse to
understand them.
Muslim terrorists are not suffering from too many
blows to the head or some sort of secondhand PTSD.
They have a purpose. Terrorism denial ignores that
purposes and makes it easier for them to carry out
their crimes and win.