Is the United States of America Toast?
By Gina Miller
Are we truly watching a perfect storm of tyrannical
darkness conquer the United States? Have we finally
been defeated by the ever-patient, ever-evil,
embedded communists, who've had their wicked designs
on our nation for at least a hundred years? Is our
culture so rotten to the core that it can never
return to virtue and right? Are America's younger
generations lost to Godless, communist
indoctrination and ideology, which includes radical
environmental lunacy and the eager embrace of
militant homosexualism and the destruction of
marriage and family? Is there no way to purge the
systemic immorality and corruption that infects all
our major institutions, our federal, state and local
governments, our schools, the media and
entertainment industries and corporations? Is it
even possible for this wayward nation to return to
the founding principles and limitations on the
central government outlined in the Constitution? Is
tyranny inevitable?
Forgive my pessimism. I've been scolded for it by
optimists who are certain the Lord will cause a
massive Christian revival across the land, and also
by those who believe that because there's a gun
behind every blade of grass in the U.S., the commies
will never be able to conquer us. Are these
realistic positions? I've heard it said that if only
the Jews had all been armed and had fought back when
the Nazis came to their homes, then the Holocaust
would have been stopped in its tracks. Is this true?
If – for instance – Obama's "Civilian National
Security Force" is sent out to round up those
America-loving patriots whom Obama so despises, and
those patriots attempt to resist the aggressors with
deadly force, what will happen? Does anyone truly
believe that in this age of advanced weaponry in the
hands of the State, coupled with its mighty,
militaristic police power, that we stand a chance
against it?
What about a massive Christian revival? Looking to
the Bible, what does the Lord do to people who
forcefully reject Him and embrace sin? He gives them
over to darkness. He turns His back on them, and
they experience the consequences of their collective
sins as a nation. Do the American people, as a
whole, strike you as ripe for revival and a
repentant return to the Lord? Does the sickly church
in America today strike you as willing to be the
salt and light needed to humble itself, pray, seek
the Lord's face, turn from its wicked ways and
appeal to God to hear from heaven, forgive our sin
and heal this land?
We have enemies of the United States inhabiting the
Executive branch of the federal government, and many
enemy minions in place throughout the Legislative
and Judicial branches, as well as the federal
bureaucracies and the military. These people have
orchestrated a near-perfect storm of freedom-robbing
evil against our nation. While it did not begin with
Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), it has
certainly kicked into warp speed under his
These communists (for that's what they are) in the
Obama administration and Congress have managed to
neuter any political opposition. Whether the
Republicans are in fear for their lives or the lives
of their families, are being blackmailed for
wrongdoing or are wickedly in agreement with the
goals of the Obama administration, the result is the
same: the agenda of the Obama Crime Syndicate is not
being stopped, or even slowed down in any way.
Christian conservatives and other patriots have
watched in helpless horror and outrage as the
Republicans have surrendered their lawful power to
this Godless, America-hating, lying reprobate in the
White House.
We are watching, as in a surreal nightmare, the
federal takeover of major parts of our nation,
including our healthcare and health insurance
systems and the Internet. They're trying to take
over state and local police. We're watching these
Marxist loons aggressively facilitate the invasion
of the United States by Third-World illegal aliens
from Central and South America as well as Muslim
"refugees" from the Middle East and Africa (but not
Christian refugees from those same places). We're
watching these destructos crush our energy
production capabilities, destroying power plants,
commandeering water supplies, and aggressively
eroding private property rights. They're cramming
through the United Nations' communistic,
anti-freedom, environmental extremist policies.
They're forcing the corrosive and tyrannical agenda
of the homosexual/"transgender" movement with all
the immoral filth it entails. They're viciously
attacking Christian freedom. They're destroying our
military. They're funding, arming and enabling our
criminally insane Muslim enemies while spitting in
the face of our dearest allies. They're burying
America under a ticking time bomb mountain of debt
that is destroying our fiat currency.
All these things and more are enough to make the
strongest of patriot hearts falter, not from lack of
resolve, but lack of hope that we can stop or
reverse the evil that has our nation in a
choke-hold. It's also enough to make us despair,
which drives me back to the only source of comfort,
peace, sanity, truth and reason, which is the Word
of God found in the Bible. None of what we're seeing
is anything except what Jesus warned would come to
pass as this world draws to a close. The ratcheting
up of evil, sin and lawlessness is glaring today in
the United States (the last light of freedom in the
world), and it's what He said would be. We don't
know how close we are to Christ's return, but He
told us of the signs that would precede His return,
and we're seeing those things begin in earnest. We
can also look to the Lord's further revelations to
Daniel, John and other biblical prophets to know
that the time is growing short.
This should be encouraging, but I admit it also
fills me with dread. While I long for Jesus to
return, I dread the interim, because I know that
evil is destined to prevail in the worst
unimaginable way, unlike any badness ever seen
before in human history. While no one wants to die,
who wants to be alive when Satan finally possesses
the man – Antichrist – who will rule globally the
last few years of the world, in a time of worldwide,
supernatural horror? Jesus says those days will be
so horrific that no one would survive them, except
that God is going to shorten those days for the sake
of the elect (Christians) who remain alive then.
Regardless, those of us who are Christians – who
know that the only way to salvation, to the one true
God, is through His Son Jesus – have all the hope in
the world, and everything for which to be thankful.
But, if that's not where you are today, I would
implore you to consider eternity. Do you know what
would happen to you if you died today without having
given your life to the One Who gave His for you? If
not, please get a Bible and read it, seeking to know
the truth, and you will find it. All the rotten evil
in this current time will pale in comparison to an
eternity apart from God.
© Gina Miller