June 25, 2013 I posted an article on this blog
titled “Psychiatry as a Weapon of Tyranny” and I
pointed out the history behind using an ever
broadening definition of mental illness as a way to
disarm and ultimately imprison the potential enemies
of dictators throughout history.
I also
pointed out that his technique was being used
against American military veterans, and with the IRS
now having access to the medical records of all
Americans, this type of action would be broadened to
include many more U.S. citizens.
Obama has issued two new illegal and
unconstitutional Executive Actions on gun control
that attempt to codify my predictions into law. The
new EAs exempt the states from complying with
Federal privacy laws and encourage states to
disclose confidential medical information to the FBI
so that more people can be placed on the NICS and
prohibited from purchasing firearms.
is despite the fact that in order to legally be
placed on the NICS list an individual must be a
convicted felon or legally adjudicated to be
mentally ill to the point of being a danger to
themselves or others.
Obama and the Veterans Administration are
already bypassing the legal adjudication process
when it comes to veterans and now with these new EOs
will do the same thing to many other Americans.
Constitutional implications of this are obvious and
rampant. First, Obama has violated both Article 1
and Article 2 of the Constitution that establish the
balance of powers existing between the Congress and
the Executive Branch of government. Under Article 1
the Congress has the exclusive power to pass laws
and Article 2 requires the Executive Branch (the
President) to enforce those laws. The President is
routinely violating these provisions by choosing
which laws to enforce, amending existing laws
without congressional approval, and making new laws
by Executive Order.
Second, federal laws require the states and the
medical community protect the privacy of individual
medical records.
This has now been waived by the Obama
Executive Orders that he had no constitutional
authority to issue. This also violates the Fourth
Amendment prohibition against illegal searches and
Third, the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution
prohibits the government from depriving citizens of
life, liberty, or property without due process of
law. By placing veterans and other Americans on the
NICS list without a legal adjudication of mental
illness causing them to be a danger to themselves or
others they are being denied liberty and property
without due process.
Last, but certainly not least, the U.S. Supreme
Court has twice ruled that the right to keep and
bear arms is an individual right, yet this right is
routinely being denied to veterans and other
Americans simply because Obama and his minions want
all of us to be disarmed. A disarmed population is a
population that cannot effectively resist tyranny.
Since Congress has repeatedly refused to pass gun
control legislation Obama is invoking the mental
illness card to accomplish the mission. If you have
ever told your doctor you have been depressed, ever
suffered from PTSD after being in an accident or
losing a family member, or even in the past taken
certain types of medications for things such as ADD
you may be denied your Second Amendment rights.
Obama administration has also changed the definition
of adjudication of a mental illness from requiring
an action by a board, commission, or other lawful
authority to allowing anyone in the VA or other
government agency to find someone incompetent or
mentally defective.
There is no longer any due process required and
while military veterans are still the primary
target, the ultimate goal is the disarming of all
Americans. This mirrors the actions of the Nazi
party in Germany and other dictatorships that have
used alleged mental illness to disarm, imprison, and
control their populations.
groundwork is being laid to have the very act of gun
ownership be declared a mental illness. That is why
the lawsuits we at the United States Justice
Foundation (
are working on for veterans are so critical. If the
efforts of the Obama administration are successful
at disarming veterans the rest of the population
will also be vulnerable.