In God We Trust

When did truth become unproductive?

By Mara Zebest

Recently, Congressman Tom McClintock spoke at a local Tea Party meeting. McClintock praised the impact and influence the Tea Party has had on elections and politicians. The Congressman went on to offer encouragement to continue confronting and engaging representatives. And if the representative is resistant, McClintock offered the following advice [paraphrasing]:

Don’t just make calls to the congressional offices, but challenge representatives in person whenever the opportunity presents itself by attending town halls and meetings. When a representative is being interviewed on the radio, call the radio station to ask challenging questions. Voice your concerns by writing Op Ed articles or take the time to frame your concerns in an effective manner through posted comments. Don’t be discouraged if after you take the time to write a comment, it is instantly met with an angry response or name calling. I’m told this is sometimes referred to as flaming. When this happens, you may wonder why it was worth making the effort to type out a well-framed idea in a comment. It was worth the effort because others will read that comment and you may have helped to articulate the idea in a manner that others find reassuring. Remember, if the only response an opponent has to offer is anger and name calling; then you’ve already won the argument.

When it came time for Q & A, I decided to take McClintock’s advice by confronting him face-to-face with a couple of concerns.

The first concern mirrored Mark Levin’s idea to replace Speaker of the House (Boehner) with Scott Walker since there’s no rule that states the Speaker of the House has to actually be a member of the House. Rep. McClintock’s appeared irritated by the request. He replied in a crisp and abrupt tone, “I think Scott Walker is plenty busy.” Determined not to be discouraged, I expanded, “We won’t know unless the idea is formally presented. I think Walker would be the perfect choice since he clearly has a spine of steel, he lives outside of the D.C. bubble influence, and he’d be a great conservative candidate to hold Romney’s feet to the fire, which we’re going to desperately need. Boehner has a horrible habit of drawing the line in the sand and then, throwing a bucket of water on his own line.” McClintock was not happy with a possible Boehner revolt brewing. The next question absolutely ruffled his feathers more.

In moving to the next concern, I offered a brief bio and explained that I had participated in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation. My report to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office dealt with the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate document. This prompted a splatter of applause. I continued, “The PDF file Obama released is absolutely fraudulent and can be proven down to the metadata and object code buried within the file. However, if Congress members are uncomfortable in discussing the birth certificate, there’s additional proof that other documentation is equally fraudulent. Obama’s Selective Service card is obviously forged. By law, if the Selective Service card is fraudulent, Obama is not allowed to hold any executive public office position. Therefore, when will there be a Congressional hearing to evaluate the evidence on this issue?”

The response was essentially identical to one elicited from Rep. Dan Lungren. The representatives must get the same talking point memo. The strategy seems to be to ignore the question focusing on the Selective Service card. Instead, the Congressman made a beeline for the O’Reilly narrative that “citizen” is sufficient to trump the Article II “natural born citizen” requirement. Along with the idea that proof of Obama’s eligibility rest in the two birth announcements from Hawaii. My request to respond was shouted down by Rep. McClintock. In a tone that rose to a crescendo of anger, he shouted, “No, you need to sit down and be quiet. This is not productive when there are more important issues to focus on.”

This parroting of a Liberal media line never fails to force an equally kneejerk response to snap back, “I’m perfectly capable of multitasking and going after all of Obama’s misdeeds. No issue should be off the table.” McClintock did not hear these words and became more agitated as he drowned out the dissent by repeating his stance that “It is not productive. Stop! I will not listen to another word you have to say.”

The response and vitriol of the Congressman is not unusual or unexpected, but I find it troubling when other conservatives buy into silence for fear of being labeled “unproductive.” Are people so easily persuaded to stand down and adopt apathy as the norm? A few people approached me to suggest that we wait for the courts to decide the issue. I explained, “If you’ve ever read Frederic Bastiat’s The Law, you will realize that our Founder’s did not trust the judicial systems any more than the power grabbers in government. This is why they are an equal branch of government with limited powers. Courts, like governments, are motivated by a sense of elitist power and thus likely to be equal opportunists in plundering. The courts are merely using a strategy to be self-serving and run out the clock at this point. Instead of waiting for the courts, I prefer to have faith in the people, in individuals, as the Founders did. I’d be willing to bet that if the people melted the phone lines of our congressional offices with a united concern on the eligibility issue, it would have a profound impact on advancing the discussion.”

Our representatives certainly have plenty of time to pontificate on lesser topics such as winning over moderates and Independents, as if that’s “productive.” The real reason the eligibility issue is not productive is because Republicans and Democrats alike want to be able to promote candidates outside the constraints of Natural Born Citizen (which requires a candidate be born on U.S. soil to two citizen parents). Consider as proof the hard push to advance two ineligible options as VP, Rubio and Jindal.

Upholding the Constitution is not only productive, it’s paramount. We don’t get to cherry pick which laws from the Constitution are productive. The Constitution is the foundational law of the land and the original intent of this document must be supported and upheld on every level. This is the crux of the problem. We have a man in the office that has no alliance with America. Maybe this issue is the mother of all issues since it holds the key to undo all the damage, to void every law signed, and every appointee position by an ineligible Administration.

Rush Limbaugh once discussed the Big Lie from Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter 10. Rush explained:

“…Hitler and the Big Lie. In his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf, the expression was coined by Hitler ”to describe a lie so ‘colossal’ that no one would believe that someone ‘could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.’” The Big Lie had to be so big that nobody would believe that anybody would have the audacity to lie that way. If you're going to lie, go big, put your lie on an Atlas rocket and launch and fire that sucker...”

“Here's what he [Hitler] wrote: “All this was inspired by the principle -- which is quite true in itself -- that in the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds --” which is exactly how liberals look at average Americans, “-- they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation," other than, it is a lie... people will think he couldn't possibly have the audacity to lie that big, it's gotta be something wrong with us...”” [as suggested by Congressman McClintock]

“-- people will believe a Big Lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”

“… The Big Lie. Barack Hussein Obama.”

Expanding on that last thought, the Big Lie is Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of presidency. This is the lie that carries a “certain force of credibility” that Hitler describes and offers Obama the needed means to shred all other aspects of the constitution under the “illusion” of legality. This is the crux, the source, the heart of the Big Lie. This is the reason why Obama preserves a media blackout death grip, why our representatives are instructed to silence debate; both use the same excuse of being an unproductive distraction from more important issues. This also explains Ben Shapiro cowardice and Breitbart’s apologies for presenting facts on Obama’s eligibility. Diana West offers fantastic insights in a piece titled Great Get But Breitbart Doth Protest Too Much:

“Don't get me wrong -- kudos to Breitbart for publishing its report on a 1991 promotional booklet from a literary agency that describes client Barack Obama as “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii,” emphasis on "born in Kenya."

But what a strange apologetic the Breitbart team has produced in presenting this hot story.

The story, now the lead report at Drudge, opens with an explanatory note, kind of a[n] how-to-read-this-story guide which is almost as notable as the story itself...

Why is this necessary? What is "Birtherism" anyway? It seems clear that Breitbart News believes it is about to commit heresy by reporting a new set of facts that contradicts the agreed-upon narrative. They are about to say something they believe they shouldn't. They are about to report a fact about a document that has emerged which directly contradicts the president's, the media's, the elite's, narrative, and they are offering a pre-emptive mea culpa for their sin against the mainstream. This is indicative of the struggle within -- the Breitbart people want to be journalists, but they have so dutifully observed the restrictions of that Narrative of Authority and for so long that it hurts to color outside the lines.”

In part II, Diana West makes the additional takeaway point:

“Which is why Breitbart editors are still attaching disclaimers to their own news reports, rather than simply presenting the story only and simply so far as it is supported by the facts.”

Conservative media and our elected officials should stop advancing the “birther” label as something to fear and take note of Diana West’s accurate suggestion in an interview with Peter Boyles (who is also no stranger to apologists):

“Whenever I write about the eligibility issue, which really is a much better way of describing this problem then the slur of “Birther,” which doesn’t really mean anything except that somebody wants to end the conversation…”

Basically Rep. McClintock wants to end the conversation without a debate by resorting to a STFU defense, even though he didn’t actually say it in those terms. In referencing McClintock’s own words from his speech, “…if the only response an opponent has to offer is anger and name calling; then you’ve won the argument;” so was McClintock’s anger an indicator that I won the argument?

I would much prefer our representatives were open to an honest debate. Since when did truth become unproductive? Either way, I decided to take McClintock’s advice and write this Op Ed to expose The Big Lie: Obama is a fraud and I’m tired of pretending he’s not.

Mara Zebest is a graphic artist and co-author for a number of Adobe product books including the Inside Photoshop series which typically exceeded 1000 pages, and published in at least ten different languages around the world. Ms. Zebest is also tech editor for numerous books for both Adobe and Microsoft products and has worked closely with the Cold Case Posse (CCP) for Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) in providing evidence on Obama’s forged birth certificate.