In God We Trust

Mindless Mob Attacks Pastor Terry Jones in Dearborn

By Gina Miller

This past Friday, Florida Pastor Terry Jones was attacked by a senseless mob of leftist goons as he led another protest against the invasion of America by adherents to Islamic Shariah law, who desire to subvert the United States Constitution to the perverse Muslim ideology. Mr. Jones held a “Saving America” rally at Dearborn, Michigan City Hall Friday afternoon in advance of another planned protest at the annual Arab International Festival, which has previously been a notorious event for anti-Christian free speech violations.

Mr. Jones led a 90-minute protest in front of City Hall, and had planned to walk with members of his group from City Hall to the festival, which is about two miles away, where he was to hold a second protest rally. Mr. Jones’ group was met with physical hostility by a crowd of about a hundred counter-protesters. Thankfully, there were no injuries reported.

As written in the UK Daily Mail,

“Scuffles broke out and six people were arrested as Jones walk[ed] down the street toward the festival with some of his supporters in Dearborn, Michigan.

The controversial Florida Pastor Jones had intended to hold an anti-Islam rally and counter-protest against the festival.

The event is the largest outdoor gathering of Arab-Americans in the U.S.

Jones wore sunglasses, a bullet-proof vest and a t-shirt that read: ‘Everything I ever needed to know about Islam I learned on 9-11.’

He had led a rally against radical Islam at city hall before trying to continue his protest at the nearby festival.”

The Islamic Center of America, Dearborn MI (Photo credit: Dane Hillard)

The counter-protesters were reportedly made up mostly of members of the group, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), which is a leftist coalition of mainly young, dumb people who have no clue of what a great nation it is in which they were blessed to be born. Five of the six people arrested were not even from Dearborn, so what we had here was a bussed-in rent-a-mob.

From the BAMN website is this description of their microcephalic mission,

“The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) is building the new civil rights movement. We are a primarily student- and youth-based organization of leaders in our schools and communities, committed to making real the promises of American democracy and equality.”

So, their big deal is defending the indefensible practice of affirmative action, yet another euphemistically-named policy of advancing unqualified women and minorities over those who are qualified for whatever the position may be, from jobs to college entry. Not surprisingly, it is the white male who is often the qualified person who is bypassed for a lesser qualified woman or minority. Affirmative action is a scourge on our nation that has given us the current federal government we see today—a government filled with leftist women, radical homosexuals and other like-minded minions, who are in those positions because of their radical ideology.

These BAMN people also don’t seem to understand that the Civil Rights movement achieved its goals in the 1960s. Not only do all American citizens have equal rights, but through counter-intuitive, unconstitutional, affirmative action policies, some so-called “oppressed” members of our society have even more rights than others. Of course, these leftist foot soldiers don’t let truth and facts get in the way of their twisted agenda.

The mindless counter-protesters in Dearborn are clueless about what Mr. Jones is doing. Just like so many on the Left, they apparently do not realize the serious threat that the Islamist movement poses to our nation and all of western civilization. I suppose it’s possible that they do realize the threat, except that they have the same hatred for America as the Islamists do, so in that sense, the goals of the Islamists and the mindless, America-hating Left are the same.

It is disgusting to watch how the suicidal Left comes to the defense of these Islamists whose plainly-stated desire is to see world domination by Islamic Shariah law. The leftists rail against Mr. Jones, and they likely do not even understand his message. According to Mr. Jones’ website, Stand up America Now, their campaign has five main points,

“We are petitioning the United States Government with a
Fivefold Plan to Save America and Create a Better World:

1. To demand Freedom of Speech, Civil and Human Rights from all Muslim / Koran governed countries or their immediate removal from the U.N.

2. The immediate halting of all Muslim immigration and the removal of all illegal aliens from the United States.

3. Monitoring of all mosques to assure that they are places of worship and not of Islamic propaganda.

4. Positions of authority and decision making in US embassies in Islamic countries to be held by non-Muslims.

5. The nationwide banning of sharia in the United States.”

If those propositions sound extreme to you, then it seems you have not been paying attention to what members of the “religion of peace” have been up to. How many “lone wolf” terrorist attacks do we need to see before we realize they’re not “lone”? Not lone at all. These people follow an ideology that commands them to make war with non-Muslims and even fellow Muslims with whom they disagree. America’s insane policies of “tolerance” and “political correctness” make our invasion by these enemies as easy as a cake walk for them.

Our nation has been quietly invaded for several decades by Islamists who intend our nation harm. Our government and military have also been invaded. How many Mulsim sleeper cell members are currently in our United States armed forces? We just had a Muslim “Marine” reservist get busted overnight in Arlington National Cemetery with the suspicious notebook and substance in his backpack.

We also know Nidal Hasan is another enemy invader of our military. How could we forget the Fort Hood, Texas jihadist who massacred 13 soldiers and an unborn baby and wounded dozens of others, while shouting to the devil Allah?

Do you realize that that Muslim demon has yet to stand trial while he still collects his military pay? Why? Why has this sub-human not been tried, found guilty and executed already? There is no question of his guilt with the large number of on-scene eye witnesses and the fact that he was subdued and captured in the process of his murderous rampage.

In March, an Associated Press story carried at reported that a second brigade commander has recommended that Hasan face the death penalty in his court-martial. That’s all good and well, but let’s get this guy tried already! He should be tried as a treasonous enemy of the United States—an enemy combatant with an open-and-shut case!

Back to Pastor Jones. Regardless of what you think of the Koran-burning pastor, he is bravely saying what needs to be said about that poisonous, treasonous ideology that is completely incompatible with western civilization and certainly the United States Constitution. We must not allow Shariah law to invade our country, although it has already made too many sorry gains.

Mr. Jones is taking his protests right into the heart of the beast, the Islamic stronghold in the Dearborn, Michigan area. I applaud his efforts, and I wish there were more people willing to take a bold, loud stand against the backward ideology of Islam and Shariah law.

It’s also heartening to see New York Congressman Peter King holding the second round of hearings on Muslim radicalization here in America and in our nation’s prison system. Rep. King deserves our support, because he is on the receiving end of all the venom the suicidal Left can throw his way. It continues to amaze me how those on the Left so eagerly defend Islamists, as if doing so will somehow make the Islamists less eager to kill them. That’s why I call them the suicidal Left.

Our nation faces enemies within on so many fronts! These enemies of America are ultimately all on the same diabolical team, whether it’s the Islamists, the militant homosexuals, the entitlement mentality union demonstrators, the enviromentalist biophobes, the socialist/communists in our government or even the senseless anarchists. Their various goals all lead to the same place: the disintegration of the United States of America as originally founded. These groups are all about destroying the Constitution, our freedoms and American way of life. It can be depressing to see how far we’ve let them come in achieving their evil goals, but we must not give up opposing them at every turn.

Pastor Terry Jones is doing his part to spread the word about the cancer of the Islamist movement and its utter incompatibility with the West. He is scheduled to be in New York later this week for another anti-Islamist rally. There is no word as of Monday on specifics, so I don’t know if he will be near Ground Zero, or not. It will be interesting to see how it goes in New York, because Pastor Terry Jones and the members of his group are not at all intimidated by the idiot minions of the suicidal Left, and they are not afraid to tell it like it is. I admire that fact a great deal.

Gina Miller, a native of Texas, is a radio commentator and disc jockey. She also works with her husband installing and repairing residential irrigation systems and doing landscaping on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.