In God We Trust


By Maj. Gen. Jerry R. Curry (ret'd)

It’s the Christmas season and time for us Americans to get serious and start calling a spade a spade, instead of calling it an agricultural implement. We all know, or at least should know, that the current debt load President Obama has saddled the nation with is unsustainable. Even though Obama assures us that this is good policy, some day not much farther down the road the American people recognize that there will be a terrible reckoning. Not even Santa Claus can save us from it.

Still the U.S. Congress and our two political parties hear the sleigh bells and go around humming Silent Night, pretending that all is well and that our budget needs simply require a little fine tuning. But the American people are neither fools nor are they fooled, even at Christmas time. That’s why the “Tea Party” movement has had such great success. It is the American people’s way of  saying, “Enough is enough!”

Our failure to see things clearly started decades ago and is climaxing now with Obama. President Clinton told our youth that if you don’t like the definition of a word such as “is” you just redefine it and assign it a new meaning. Hillary told our young ladies that they should not act like some country singer who is just  “Standing by her man,” and then proceded to do just that, because it gave her a basis from which to launch a run for the presidency.

The unfortunate message repeatedly given to our young is that, “If they want to be  successful and respected in life,  they should emulate Bill and Hillary Clinton, do what they did and act like they act.”  Of course everyone remembers George Bush the Elder’s “No new taxes” pledge and how that ended.

Not long ago Jeb Bush said, “I tell you, he’s (President Clinton) been incredibly gracious to our dad. And if somebody is gracious to our father – he ingratiates himself to us. And we are grateful to Bill Clinton.” Brother George W. Bush agrees, “We’re now members of the ‘former presidents club.’ We have done speaking engagements together... And I  generally like him.” In short, a multitude of sins and faults can be papered over by gracious actions.

When President Bush the Elder’s sons put their personal likes or dislikes above  character and the good of the country, what message are they sending to America’s youth? They are saying that it’s alright for Bill Clinton to desecrate the Office of President of the U.S. and to do reprehensible and despicable things in the Oval Office with a young intern the age of his daughter, and still be celebrated and welcomed into the finest and most influential political, corporate and social circles in America, and be over paid to give them speeches and rub elbows with them.

So when Obama was elected president it was only natural that he would make all sorts of promises knowing that he planned to honor none of tham, and to do exactly the opposite. For example, he correctly assesed that jobs and the economy were the American people’s number one concern. So for the next two years he ignored jobs and the economy and spent his time forcing a “bankrupting” health care entitlement program onto the financially bruised and bent backs of the American people.

It was not just an afterthought that caused our founders to insist that a requirement to be president is to be a natural born American. They knew that only a person born in this country would be able to resonate with the vibrations emanating from the spirit and soul of those who adopted the Declaration of Independence. Anyone with a less deep and vibrant connection to America could not be counted upon to uphold our constitution, liberty and freedom of mind and spirit. That is why the failures we are witnessing now in the actions and speeches of our current president are so heartbreaking. He is simply not in tune with America and its people.

On the other hand, the Tea Party movement signals that the American people have had enough of being ruled by adolescents like Obama. It’s time the adults regained control of the U.S. Government.

Don’t look now but Obama’s Third World parentage is showing. He acts more like a Robert Mugabe than George Washington. This holiday season I fear that not even Santa Clause can save us from his mistakes and machinations.