By Michelle Malkin
August 12, 2009
Who are the real thugs? Democrats attack congressional town hall
protesters as "Brown Shirts" -- likening taxpayer activists across
the country to Hitler's storm troopers. But it's the Big Labor
hoodlums clad in identical purple shirts -- the uniform of Service
Employees International Union members -- who own the mob label.
Margarida Jorge, a former SEIU organizing director who now serves
as national field director for the deep-pocketed, left-wing
coalition Health Care for America Now, sent out a memo to her foot
soldiers last week on how to counter Obamacare opponents. "You must
bring enough people to drown them out and to cover all our bases so
as to marginalize their disruptive tactics," she exhorted.
Local SEIU chapters echoed the call to brass knuckles. "It is
critical that our members with real, personal stories about the need
for access to quality, affordable care come out in strong numbers to
drown out their voices," urged the leaders of SEIU's Local 2001 in
Connecticut, according to a memo exposed by The Weekly Standard's
Mary Katharine Ham.
At town hall meetings in St. Louis and Tampa, Fla., last week,
purple-shirted SEIU members engaged in physical confrontations with
critics of the Democrats' health care takeover plans. Assault victim
Kenneth Gladney, beaten while passing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags,
is turning the tables on his SEIU assailants. The black conservative
activist announced Tuesday that he's filing hate crime charges
against the union goons in Missouri.
These were the first outbreaks of violence since the summer
recess began. And that's no coincidence. SEIU President Andy Stern,
the militant social worker turned union heavy, boasts of his
organizing philosophy: "(W)e prefer to use the power of persuasion,
but if that doesn't work, we use the persuasion of power."
Last April, SEIU bussed in hundreds of Purple Shirts to a labor
meeting in Detroit, where the union was battling a competitor over
representation of nurses and health care workers in Ohio. The SEIU
invaders ambushed the conference, sending one attendee to the
hospital with a bloodied head and wounding several others. The
competing union filed a restraining order against the SEIU. AFL-CIO
President John Sweeney responded, "There is no justification -- none
-- for the violent attack orchestrated by SEIU." California Nurses
Association Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro condemned the
violence: "There is an ugly pattern here of physical abuse and
tactics of intimidation that have no place in either our labor
movement or a civilized society."
SEIU and Stern's shock troops have similarly bullied companies
from private equity firms to Burger King to food management company
Aramark to security provider Wackenhut Services, who have resisted
SEIU's attempts to organizer their workers. The Purple People have
organized aggressive protests and a "War on Greed" campaign to pound
the employers into submission.
In Oakland, Stern and his Washington crew imposed a trusteeship
on a 150,000-member local that had publicly opposed SEIU strong-arm
tactics. D.C. headquarters accused the local -- known as SEIU United
Healthcare Workers West (UHW West) -- of financial malpractice and
misconduct. The local fought back, charging the Beltway union
leaders with manufacturing the allegations to retaliate and to
distract from Washington mismanagement. The UHW West president, Sal
Rosselli, quit the SEIU executive board and formed a new union in
February 2009, which declared: "We don't trust them with our
contracts, we don't trust them with our dues -- we just don't trust
Team Obama and the Democrats -- who together received more than
$60 million in SEIU independent expenditure funds -- remain mum
about SEIU thuggery. Obama, after all, promised the SEIU on the
campaign trail: "We look after each other!"
Accordingly, SEIU-endorsed Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius openly praised the union's drowning-out campaign
against Obamacare critics in a teleconference call last week. She
urged her "brothers and sisters" to keep doing what they were doing.
SEIU health care chair Dennis Rivera of New York then railed against
the "radical fringe" of "right-wingers," whom he accused of
"terrorist tactics."
Savor the Purple Shirts playing pot-and-kettle.
Michelle Malkin is the author of the just released "Culture of
Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies" (Regnery